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Schedule 1

Last Updated On: 13-10-2024

Type of Competitions 


Competitions may be either "Projects" or "Ideas" competitions or in certain circumstances a combination of both. The aim of a roject competition is to find the best solution for an actual building roject and to appoint its author to carry out the commission. ompetitions of Ideas are set as an exercise to elucidate certain aspects of architectural and town planning problems. The winner of such a competition may not be commissioned to carry out the project, and hence students of architecture may participate at the iscretion of the promoter.


Competitions in which all Architects are invited to participate through an announcement by advertisements in suitable media and through circulars which may be issued by the promoters.

Open competitions for projects estimated at less than Rs. 10,00,000/-may be restricted to Architects who have their main or branch office in the State of the project site.

Competitions in which limited amount of Architects (approx. 5 to 8) selected by the promoter on the advice of the Senior Architect Assessor or Board of Assessors, are invited to participate. Each participant who submits his designs shall receive an honorarium.

Besides competitions described in (i) and (ii) above a competition may also combine town planning as well as design problem, and may involve the use of industrial components or participation of developers. In such competitions participation may be required to be limited to professionals or group of professionals with certain definite expertise.

In such cases the competition announcement shall clearly define the field of expertise.

Competitions may be organised in one or two stages.

In single stage competition the competition entries shall be fairly complete drawings i.e. plans, section, elevations, etc. to a suitable scale

and sufficient to explain the scheme as set out in the competition conditions.

The designs so submitted shall be assessed by the Assessors for the award of the prizes and the appointment of the architect.

Such competitions are recommended for small and simple project.

In two stage competition, the first stage is for soliciting ideas and therefore the competition entries at this stage would be limited to planning on broad basis and drawings to a suitable scale sufficient to indicate the intentions of the competitor.

Designs submitted in the first stage shall be assessed by the Assessors for selecting a small number of competitors (between 5 and 10). The author of these selected designs will be invited to take part in the second stage of the competition, and each architect so invited would be paid a specified sum.

In order to maintain anonymity, each competitor will be informed individually whether he has been or has not been invited to participate in the second stage. Correspondence in this respect will be the responsibility of the Promoter or Professional Adviser, if appointed. It will also be his responsibility to ensure that the names of those invited and those rejected are not revealed either to the assessor or to any person.

To ensure this anonymity the envelopes containing the names of the competitors shall be opened by the Promoter or Professional Adviser if appointed. After the intimation has been sent to each competitor they shall be resealed until the final award.

After the end of the first stage, the Board of Assessors, may, if found necessary and with the approval of the Promoter, clarify or amplify points in the competition conditions for the benefit of the second stage competitors. Such clarification or amplification shall not in any way disclose directly or indirectly or even inadvertently any of the designs submitted in the first stage to those invited for the second stage.

The period between the Assessors award for the first stage and submission of designs for the second stage shall not exceed six months. Only under exceptional circumstances period may be extended.

The second stage of the competition may be limited to only a part of the subject dealt with in the first stage.

Members of the Board of Assessors shall be the same for first stage and second stage of the competition.

The designs submitted for both the first stage and the second stage shall be exhibited and/or published only after the final award of the second stage competition.

If any design selected for the second stage is published or exhibited before the final award of the second stage has been declared, it will be disqualified.

Two stage competitions are recommended for town planning and for large scale or complex project.


This type of competition is intended for small projects of charitable organisations in which four to six local firms will compete for the appointment as the Architect.

No premiums are given and the winner shall be appointed to carry out the project.